The disk space function displays the overall volume of information that you can have on the cloud web hosting server at one time. With a personal computer, for instance, this would be the overall size of your hard disk drive or the overall volume of all the hard disks in case that the PC has more than one. The same way that your space on a personal computer is shared between installed software, docs, your music and so on, the server hdd space is normally shared between internet site files, databases and email messages. Every single file, folder or email message uses some disk space on the server, therefore you should consider a bunch of factors, not only the size of the files that you upload. To give an example, having sizable email attachments or having a script-driven internet site where the user-generated content material is kept in a database also affects the space you're using.

Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting

All our cloud web hosting packages were made with the concept that not sufficient disk space should not be something that will limit the development of your web sites. For this reason we have applied a technique which is not the same as the one that most web hosting suppliers apply - instead of just generating all the accounts on a single server and eventually not having enough hard disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by a large cluster of servers. That's why, we can always connect more machines when they're necessary and / or more hard drives, to offer you more disk space for the files of our customers. Individual clusters handle the e-mails and the databases, so not only will you be able to enhance your web sites not worrying about hdd space, but also the servers will operate faster and better as every service features its own space and one server doesn't handle different kinds of files.