Advanced Applications
In–built user–friendly and uncomplicated Advanced Applications for your personal website

Within the AtmoVantage Control Panel, there is also a set of Advanced Applications. They are intended for cloud hosting customers that are experienced in taking care of their hosting environment. Having said that, on account of the simple to use user interface of the Control Panel, they’re just easy to manage, even for beginners. What’s more, we’ve designed a wide range of in–depth how–to courses that can help not experienced clients swiftly learn how to take advantage of the software tools!
Hotlink Protection
Defend yourself from traffic theft
Any time you generate genuine website content there is always someone that will attempt to use it without your permission. It relates simultaneously to textual content and graphics. This is the time the Hotlink Protection tool built into the Control Panel will truly help you out. With just a click, you will safeguard all photographs on your site by preventing other websites from linking to them.
By result of this, you won’t just avoid other people from stealing your pics, but you’ll at the same time ensure that you follow your monthly data traffic limitation.
.htaccess generator
Computerized building of .htaccess files
Incorporated in the AtmoVantage Control Panel you can get .htaccess Generator – an impressive instrument, which allows you to generate .htaccess files without the need to make them by yourself. AtmoVantage’s tool calls for absolutely no working experience and no understanding of .htaccess file operations.
With the .htaccess file, you can easily reroute a few webpages within your web site as well as the entire website to a completely new place. You can also apply it to guard a folder by using a security password or to enable PHP code within HTML files, etcetera.
IP blocking
Stop malicious IPs out of your website
If you wish to block a spammer from reaching your website, an online troll out of your discussion forum or, possibly a a stack of IPs flooding your site, you ought to make full use of our easy–to–use IP blocking tool. It allows one to easily block an IP address or an entire IP range from ever being able to access your web site.
Our IP Blocking tool is admittedly simple. All you need do is type in, the IP address (or addresses) that you like to stop and press the action button. All IPs you’ve entered are going to be stopped up immediately.
PHP configuration
Customize the PHP rules for one’s web site
Along with any of the cloud hosting bundles from AtmoVantage, you are given the option to choose the PHP version for use on your sites – coming from aged PHP builds such as PHP 4 up to the most current stable editions. It can be done with just a mouse–click. All corrections are going to be carried out in a flash. For each and every PHP edition, you can get the php.ini file for your site, so that you’ll be able to absolutely change the manner PHP works.
We offer a sleek user interface, which enables you to promptly customize the most vital PHP adjustments. Whenever you want, you can also return to the standard adjustments so as to restore a back up copy.
Cron Jobs
Create automated scheduled tasks
Within the AtmoVantage Control Panel, we’ve launched a hassle–free and intuitive user interface for establishing completely new or dealing with already present cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job really is a timetabled task – commonly a script, which is executed at predefined periods of time. It can be a basic script for checking out if the site is online, an emailing script, a web site overall performance report, etcetera.
You can set up and employ cron jobs with the cloud hosting deals. If you happen to want more cron jobs, you can always purchase further as an upgrade.
Password Protection
Great way to guard your data
While using the AtmoVantage Control Panel, you are able to swiftly safeguard each and every directory on your website, as a result of AtmoVantage’s Password Protection instrument. What you need to perform is pick up the folder you want to guard and then state a login name in addition to a password that just you will know. Your directory and all of its contents will be safeguarded straight away.
The password you’ve selected can be held in an encoded way. No–one can access it and you will be in the position to change it whenever you really want.
URL redirection
URL re–direction with several mouse–clicks
Through the AtmoVantage Control Panel, it is easier to easily direct your web site to a new site by means of the URL Redirection instrument. It’s truly uncomplicated – everything you should do is specify precisely where your domain will be directed to. No requirement for any kind of .htaccess files, PHP redirections, DNS settings, and the like to be made. Your domain name is going to be rerouted to the brand new place right away.
You can cancel the domain redirection at any moment. All you need to do is visit the URL Redirection instrument and then eliminate the domain name redirection. Your site will quickly begin pointing towards the original location.